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Oxbo Solar Eclipse Totality

Come and join The Oxbo Spiritual Center Pagans and I as we celebrate the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2024. There will be rituals, Drumming, Dancing and singing as we celebrate the total eclipse of the sun! Tickets available soon!

With the solar eclipse happening with the Sun and the New Moon in Aries, it’s a great time to get together with your tribe! Aries- a fire sign- is rules by Mars. Doing Rituals and any kind of energy work will be a great idea as long as you play by the rules. Aries and Mars are the GO GETTERS! The help you get the job done, but if you decide to get wavery or flakey then Mars and Aries wll say “No Deal” and pull out of the situation.

That is why our Totality ritual will be planned accordingly. If you wish to attend the event and have intentions for the ritual, please reach out to me via email at or on Facebook by clicking this link —> to discuss what you would like to do for any spellwork during the ritual.

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